Product Mesh

Mesh 6×12

Mostly used for Gold Recovery /Gold Mining / Gold Processing

Mesh 8x30Mesh 8×30

Mostly used for any Water Treatment, such as Drinking Water, Water Filter and also Industrial Wastewater Treatment Processing

Mesh 12x30Mesh 12×40

Mostly used for any Water Treatment, such as Drinking Water, Water Filter and also Industrial Wastewater Treatment Processing

Mesh -30Mesh -30

Mostly used for Air and Gas Treatment, such as Gas Purification, Air Filter, and Deodorization

Mesh PowderMesh Powder

Mostly used for Food and Beverage and several other Industries, we also serve custom requests

Custom Size

Made by Order ex : 4×8 ; 10×20 ; 30×60 ; -60 ; etc.

We also serve custom mesh requests according to your needs, please contact our Marketing to consult your needs.

                                   We are happy to serve you.

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